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Neurodivergent activists and researchers fight for new perspectives on diagnoses such as autism, ADHD and Tourettes, with examples from Sweden.
Ensuring equal treatment for the different religious communities in Norden is challenging.
The importance of capturing the voices of young people during participatory processes.
Approaches to the Arctic reveal wider geopolitical trends as well as the Nordic countries' domestic concerns.
Since the Second World War, the Nordic media have clung on to images of hardy Northern skiiers despite challenges from other countries.
Respresentations of cross-country skiing since the 1800s reveal that the sport has been an important cultural marker for Nordicness.
Human rights violations require meaningful responses, but whether "sorry" is significant depends on the context
The efforts of pioneering women writers gained momentum during this well known literary movement.
The concept of the Baltic Sea Region challenges the idea of history as being solely a national narrative. Far from being fixed, contested Baltic…
Sexual understanding in different contexts is an integral part of a person’s formation and education.
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