
Here you will find all the content related to the category 'minorities'.

Bengt Pohjanen: Creating collective memory in Meänkieli

Elder man standing beside two road signs. The first sign says Suomi and the other sign says Ruotsi
- Enikő Molnár-Bodrogi

Bengt Pohjanen is a multilingual author and translator best known for his work in Meänkieli, which has been vital in establishing a literary and…

Nordic Disability Rights

Black and white photo of demonstrators.
- Anna Derksen

Following the social and economic transformations after World War II and the ambitious promises of the Nordic welfare model, Nordic disability rights…

Kalle Könkkölä (1950-2018)

Portrait of Kalle Könkkölä sitting at a desk (seems like he is in the middle of being interviewed for a podcast)
- Anna Derksen

Kalle Kustaa Topias Könkkölä was an environmental activist, politician and key figure of the Finnish disability rights movement. Having been…

Niels Erik Bank-Mikkelsen (1919-1990)

Black and white photo portrait of Niels Erik Bank-Mikkelsen on his 75th birthday
- Anna Derksen

Niels Erik Bank-Mikkelsen was a Danish policy reformer and advocate for the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities. Working for the…