
Here you will find all the content related to the category 'minorities'.

Interview: Living history in the borderlands of Germany and Denmark: 1864

Caroline Elisabeth Weber chairperson of the German-Danish Association in Kiel
- Caroline Weber

In this short video, Caroline Elisabeth Weber (M.A.) provides an account of the rich histories in the border area between Germany and Denmark that…

Uncovering intra-Nordic queer migration in the 20th century

Black and white picture of people running along hand in hand with trees in the background
- Ásta Kristín Benediktsdóttir

The view of the Nordic countries today as a place where LGBTIQ individuals and communities can enjoy equality overlooks intra-Nordic variation as well…

Interview: "we won't be silenced" - Sámi language and literature

Picture of interview Associate Professor in Sami literature in Norway
- Lill Tove Fredriksen

In this short video, Lill Tove Fredriksen, Associate Professor in Sámi Literature at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, discusses the Sámi language…

Bengt Olof Lennart Lindqvist (1936-2016)

Black and white portrait photograph of youngish man smiling.
- Anna Derksen

Bengt Lindqvist was a Swedish politician and an active member of Swedish and international disability organizations. He became deputy minister for…

Danish immigration policy, 1970-1992

Guest workers striking against forced redundancies in front of DA
- Astrid Elkjær Sørensen

In 1973, the Social Democrat government introduced an immediate stop to labour immigration because of growing unemployment. Immigration was, however,…

A brief history of Sámi literature

Modest blue, yellow and red book cover.
- Lill Tove Fredriksen

Sámi literature's history can be traced from the 1600s and the course of this history can be interpreted in the context of important Sámi, national…

Drawing the German-Danish border: the vote in Flensburg, 1920

Large ship arriving at the shore with a large crowd of people cheering and waiting for them
- Film

Go to Flensborg, Germany, in 1920 and see firsthand what it was like during the plebiscite on 14th March. Would Flensborg and central Schleswig remain…

Drawing the German-Danish border: posters and propaganda from 1920

Poster showing two portraits of elder men in suits with the writing "STEM FOR DANMARK" which translates into "VOTE FOR DENMARK"
- Film

Go with Klaus Tolstrup Petersen, historian and director of the Schleswig Collection (Danish Central Library for South Schleswig), back to 1920 when a…

The German Minority in Southern Denmark

Linguistically hybrid logo for a German sports club in Aabenraa, Denmark.
- Peter Thaler

The historical duchy of Schleswig was divided following two plebiscites in 1920. Ever since, South Schleswig has formed the northern section of the…

The European Convention on Human Rights: Copenhagen Declaration 2018

Black and white photo of Copenhagen city's skyline
- Nicola Witcombe

The Copenhagen Declaration 2018 is a non-binding road map for the Council of Europe with respect to the European Convention on Human Rights. It was…