Region building

Here you will find all the content related to the category 'region building'.

Podcast: The Baltic Sea Region and Estonian Heritagescapes

- Saara Mildeberg

Listen to a podcast about the northeastern region of Estonia and how research can uncover different layers of a landscape.

Nordic Cooperation : Self-interest or Altruism?

Two women speaking in a podcast studio.
- Melina Antonia Buns

Listen to a podcast on how Nordic cooperation works through politicians, civil servants and civil society, and how it is often more driven by…

Public opinion on the EU in Iceland since 1980

The logo of the EU
- Ragnar Auðun Árnason

Back in the 1980s and 90s, support for joining the European Union in Iceland was split into three, a bit like it is today: for, against and undecided.…

Nordic cooperation and region building