Region building

Here you will find all the content related to the category 'region building'.

Nordic Economic Union (NORDEK): a Danish perspective

Assortment of Nordic flags on a desk
- Peter Yding Brunbech

The NORDEK plan (so called due to the Swedish name for Nordic Economic Union (NORDiskt EKonomiskt samarbete)) grew out of a Danish initiative to…

History of Iceland, Vikings to early 19th century

An old drawing showing two people on the left pointing on the person to the right
- The Quick Read

Iceland was a largely uninhabited island in the northern Atlantic Ocean where Norsemen settled around 870. It began as a ‘free state’ but became a…

The Nordic countries and economic integration

- Economy

As small, open economies, all the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Island, Norway and Sweden) have been well integrated in the regional and…

History of Iceland

Old map of Iceland from 1500s
- Article

Read a potted history of Iceland from the Vikings to today.

Analysis of the EEC referendum in Denmark in 'Le Monde' in 1972

The flag of the EU. Blue rectangle with yellow stars.
- Original sources

The Danes voted on membership of the EEC on 2nd October 1972, and two days later, the French newspaper Le Monde published an article in which the…

Nordic cooperation: comparative statistics and expertise on welfare and health

Elderly pair of arms, holding hands
- Michael H. Feldballe Hansen

Over a period of more than 70 years, the Nordic countries have worked together to produce comparative statistics on social and health issues with the…

Arctic region

A seedvault hidden in the snow at night
- Ann Legreid

The Arctic is a circumpolar region centered on the North Pole, home to diverse human populations, landscapes, vegetation, and wildlife. The climate is…

The Arctic Imaginary

A small arctic village. Small houses next to each other in a snow landscape.
- Dina Brode-Roger

Few have been there and yet everyone has some image of what the Arctic is. For most people, it conjures up images of an extreme environment, white and…

Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers

A high, oldfashioned tower bullding with a pointy top.
- Jenny Rood

Organisations exist to facilitate the discussion and coordination of policies in areas of joint interest to the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council…

The Nordic region

Map of the nordic region
- Mary Hilson

The Nordic region, or Norden, may be defined as consisting of the five sovereign states Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, plus the three…

Nordic cooperation and region building