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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'education'.
Sexual understanding in different contexts is an integral part of a person’s formation and education.
For high school students, keeping your options open can mean hard work and added stress - in Denmark as well as elsewhere.
Research on schools can shed light on the experiences of racially minoritized children, with a focus on Denmark.
A comparison between the Nordic countries’ and the USA’s approach to the TV programme Sesame Street from 1960-1990.
Universities are important in the Nordic countries because of a generally held belief that education is essential to democracy and it is a…
Listen to a podcast on Denmark's collective mindset within education from an historical perspective.
Listen to a podcast on the attitude to online risk of caregivers, teachers and children in the Nordics.
Listen to a podcast on the educational systems of the Nordic countries.
In principle, all levels of the male-dominated professions in the Nordic countries are accessible to men and women alike. But, informal processes of…
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