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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'education'.
Neurodivergent activists and researchers fight for new perspectives on diagnoses such as autism, ADHD and Tourettes, with examples from Sweden.
Sexual understanding in different contexts is an integral part of a person’s formation and education.
For high school students, keeping your options open can mean hard work and added stress - in Denmark as well as elsewhere.
Research on schools can shed light on the experiences of racially minoritized children, with a focus on Denmark.
A comparison between the Nordic countries’ and the USA’s approach to the TV programme Sesame Street from 1960-1990.
Universities are important in the Nordic countries because of a generally held belief that education is essential to democracy and it is a…
Listen to a podcast on Denmark's collective mindset within education from an historical perspective.
Listen to a podcast on the attitude to online risk of caregivers, teachers and children in the Nordics.
Listen to a podcast on the educational systems of the Nordic countries.
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