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Here you can find articles on Nordic society, culture and history that are written by researchers and requested by young people from across the Nordic region. More will be added in the coming months — follow us on Instagram to keep up to date.
Iceland is a good testing ground for climate policies
Exchanges between Brazilian and European intellectuals about the possible presence of Vikings in Brazil sheds light on an era
How the development of overseas aid led to the Nordic countries perceiving themselves as humanitarian “great powers”
How to understand the internationalisation and digitalisation of children’s TV and film in a Nordic context
The development of the Subarctic islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon reflects Nordic history
Neurodivergent activists and researchers fight for new perspectives on diagnoses such as autism, ADHD and Tourettes, with examples from Sweden.
Social medical thinking in the 1950s and two influential doctors, Karl Evang from Norway and Halfdan Mahler from Denmark
Take a look at Nordic society, history and culture through the eyes of researchers.
Norway looks for niche opportunities within military AI in order to project its standing on the international stage.
Ensuring equal treatment for the different religious communities in Norden is challenging.
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