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Here you can find articles on Nordic society, culture and history that are written by researchers and requested by young people from across the Nordic region. More will be added in the coming months — follow us on Instagram to keep up to date.
Ensuring equal treatment for the different religious communities in Norden is challenging.
The importance of capturing the voices of young people during participatory processes.
Watch a film about the historical development of Copenhagen as a cycling city.
Historical pan-nationalism in the Nordic region sowed the seed for cross-border cooperation.
Watch a film about common interests across borders and how the Nordic region compares to other regions.
Approaches to the Arctic reveal wider geopolitical trends as well as the Nordic countries' domestic concerns.
Since the Second World War, the Nordic media have clung on to images of hardy Northern skiiers despite challenges from other countries.
Representations of cross-country skiing since the 1800s reveal that the sport has been an important cultural marker for Nordicness.
Human rights violations require meaningful responses, but whether "sorry" is significant depends on the context
Use-it-or-loose-it leave scheme for fathers was introduced in 2000 and has shaped parenting and policy ever since.
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