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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'public policy'.
The development of the Subarctic islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon reflects Nordic history
The importance of capturing the voices of young people during participatory processes.
Approaches to the Arctic reveal wider geopolitical trends as well as the Nordic countries' domestic concerns.
Use-it-or-loose-it leave scheme for fathers was introduced in 2000 and has shaped parenting and policy ever since.
The promise of political renewal that followed the country’s currency and economy collapsing has stalled in political quagmire.
Meaningful themes from national and world history resurface in modern film and culture.
How key infrastructure can mitigate gender segregation in the labor market.
Listen to three podcasts about gender equality in the Nordics and some suggestions for improvement.
Digitalisation can challenge fundamental principles of the rule of law, with a focus on Denmark.
There are pros and cons of using data to monitor and predict mental health problems - in the Nordics as well as elsewhere.
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