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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'cooperation'.
Meaningful themes from national and world history resurface in modern film and culture.
Listen to a podcast about when and why states in and around the Baltic Sea have worked together for economic, social or geopolitical reasons, with a…
The concept of the Baltic Sea Region challenges the idea of history as being solely a national narrative. Far from being fixed, contested Baltic…
The Baltic Sea is on a faster trajectory of climate change than other sea areas. Already with the framework of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) in…
The end of a 434-year political union between the kingdoms of Norway and Denmark.
The Nordic Embassies site in Berlin – 'Nordische Botshaften' – allows Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark to work closely together on shared…
Listen to a dialogue between three environmental scientists about how nature-based solutions are used in the Nordics, their benefits and their…
University collaboration takes place on multiple levels, officially and unofficially. Academics, students and numerous institutions actively play a…
The concept of friendship towns quickly emerged after the Second World War, and the Nordic countries were no exception. Since then, friendship towns…
There are three autonomous regions in the Nordic countries: Greenland and the Faroe Islands are part of Denmark, and the Åland Islands are part of…
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