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All the information on nordics.info is research-based, however, this page helps you to find content by ReNEW scholars and others which is more explicitly about up to date research.
Neurodivergent activists and researchers fight for new perspectives on diagnoses such as autism, ADHD and Tourettes, with examples from Sweden.
Since the Second World War, the Nordic media have clung on to images of hardy Northern skiiers despite challenges from other countries.
Vikings in popular culture shed light on contemporary society.
There are pros and cons of using data to monitor and predict mental health problems - in the Nordics as well as elsewhere.
Find out what it is like to be a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher within the interdisciplinary research hub ’Reimagining Norden in an Evolving…
Working with migrants can challenge the usual expectations and routines of the workforce in welfare institutions. Bureaucrats respond differently…
Listen to a podcast on hot topics in current academic research on the Nordic region today include welfare, colonialism and heterogeneity.
The three Scandinavian states of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden all played an important role in shaping international environmental policy from 1970 to…
Prominent Nordic archaeologists have included C J Thomsen, who proposed the first the chronological classification of artefacts, and Lennart von Post,…
It is Sweden’s goal to become one of the world’s first fossil fuel free welfare states, and many Swedish companies are voluntarily working to reduce…
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