Contribute to

Please note as of 1st April 2025 we are no longer accepting new submissions.

Write for us! was launched in March 2019 and is always keen to find researchers who are willing to work with us – let us disseminate your research for you!

We have around 20,000 visitors per month, about a third of whom are based in the United States of America. Next comes the Nordic countries themselves with around 7% of the readership each, but we also have readers from over 180 other countries.

We are based in the School for Culture and Society at Aarhus University in Denmark.

We expect that most material will come from researchers who are based at universities, however, we are also interested in receiving submissions from elsewhere and also from advanced-level university students (e.g. Masters students writing dissertations on relevant topics). If you have an idea, you are welcome to contact us.

We are looking for:

Material for the website, including:

  • Objective articles of up to about 2000 words on a relevant topic. Critical analysis and interdisciplinary angles are to be included, where relevant/possible;
  • Podcasts - these are easier than you would imagine and can also be recorded online, if necessary;
  • Original material - text, images, sound and film clips in the original language with translation and introduction in English;
  • ‘The Quick read’ - short encyclopaedic entries of up to about 500 words;
  • Outlooks – articles up to 2000 words with an innovative or underrepresented viewpoint.

We are also always on the look out for partners in relation to the following:

  • Research projects - get us involved at the planning stages to be your dissemination partner;
  • Collaborations with other research dissemination websites.

Target audiences is aimed at various users, within and outside the Nordic region, as follows:

  • General interest: journalists, commentators, political advisors, civil servants, think tanks, general public.
  • Education: academics, secondary school students and their teachers; students in further and higher education and their teachers.

Information should therefore be communicated in a way that is accessible and interesting to a broad general readership. Potential readers might include for example an American journalist researching an article on Bernie Sanders’ references to the Nordic model, or someone in Britain enjoying the most recent TV season of Scandinavian crime drama. Consider that users of the website will be based outside the Nordic region, as well as within. 

Writing guidelines

It is important for us that text is well-written and easy-to-understand, the quality of the subject matter is high and that it is accessible for readers in a web-based format. Your knowledge should reach the reader in the best way possible. That is why we have collected some guidance for contributors. 

You can find the full guidelines for contributors by clicking here. In short, you need to remember:

  • We provide editorial assistance and check your submission from a language point of view, so do not worry if it is not perfect English. However, you as author are responsible for the accuracy of the content of the article.
  • Use short sentences and lots of sub-headings (e.g. about one sub-heading every two or three paragraphs). Explain academic terms - although this doesn't mean that you should avoid important analysis. No references in brackets within the text, but do give up to about three further reading suggestions at the end. 
  • Provide an accurate summary of your article at the top (see other articles on to get an idea).
  • Remember to give us a short biography in the format found on the writers' page, which you can see by clicking here
  • You are welcome to suggest a couple of illustrations that can be used for non-commercial purposes, but it's fine if you don't, we will find some and check them with you.  

Before starting on your article or if you have any questions, please get in touch (

We look forward to receiving your contributions!

the team