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On this page, you will find content which will help you in educational contexts to do with the subject of Social Science at Nordic high schools. It is for both teachers and students.
Approaches to the Arctic reveal wider geopolitical trends as well as the Nordic countries' domestic concerns.
Human rights violations require meaningful responses, but whether "sorry" is significant depends on the context
Use-it-or-loose-it leave scheme for fathers was introduced in 2000 and has shaped parenting and policy ever since.
New ways of using photography in and outside research can help decolonisation in Svalbard and beyond.
Approaches to this supposedly apolitical, European cultural event can shed light on alliances and deep-seated conflicts the world over.
Watch a film about the Nordic responses to the famine following the Biafra region in Nigeria claiming independence in 1967.
The impact of making workplaces greener and more digitalized will be unequal and affect social cohesion.
Watch a film about the novel 'Dogs of Europe' and how well-established terms in international relations are not always adequate to describe what is…
The promise of political renewal that followed the country’s currency and economy collapsing has stalled in political quagmire.
Meaningful themes from national and world history resurface in modern film and culture.
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