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On this page, you will find content which will help you in educational contexts to do with the subject of Social Science at Nordic high schools. It is for both teachers and students.
Meaningful themes from national and world history resurface in modern film and culture.
Listen to a podcast about when and why states in and around the Baltic Sea have worked together for economic, social or geopolitical reasons, with a…
Watch a film about the ground-breaking book 'The Sea is Blue' by Sylvia Earle and how it has inspired calls for ocean literacy in the Baltic Sea…
For high school students, keeping your options open can mean hard work and added stress - in Denmark as well as elsewhere.
How key infrastructure can mitigate gender segregation in the labor market.
Watch a film about the flag of the Åland Islands and its significance for the identity of this group of Swedish-speaking islands that are a part of…
The national implementation of the International Labour Organization's 1951 Equal Remuneration Convention led to significant political disagreements…
Listen to two podcasts in Danish on the changing political and cultural landscape since the invasion of Ukraine, both in Russia, Europe and Norden.
Evocative term found in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, with a focus on politics in Denmark.
Shame and climate change with a focus on Sweden.
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