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Contact details - get in touch!

If you have any questions, concerns about content or suggestions for possible content, please get in touch!

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Building 1461, 4
School of Culture and Society
Aarhus University
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5
8000 Aarhus C

Comments are welcome

We endeavour to ensure accuracy and the highest possible quality content, objectivity and a good mix of material on different states and subject areas. Quantity and spread is largely dependent on the solicited and unsolicited submissions that we receive. Authors are responsible for the factual content of their articles and it is inevitable that different interpretations of even empirical studies can be reached. If opinion is expressed in any material on, they are those of the authors or speakers, not or ReNEW. However, you are always welcome to get in touch if you spot a mistake on the website, or if you consider an important analysis or perspective on a subject has been missed.