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Here you will find information on new initiatives and press releases from nordics.info and the research group of which it is a part, the University Hub Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World.
Den seneste forskning om Norden indenfor samfundsvidenskab og humaniora.
Recent research on Norden within the humanities and social sciences sheds light on the state of the world today!
Uusi hanke tarjoaa tuoreita ja monipuolisia näkökulmia Pohjoismaiden historiaan, kulttuuriin ja yhteiskuntiin: The New Nordic Lexicon tuo yhteen…
New project to shed light on Nordic society, history and culture: The New Nordic Lexicon will bring experts and students together in a research-based…
Nyt onlineleksikon giver et nyt og nuanceret bud på forståelsen af Nordens historie, kultur og samfund.
”Scholars doing what they do best: challenging traditional ways of looking at things and raising question marks over assumed ’truths’ about the Nordic…
What is the state of the Nordics today? How do researchers investigate Nordic society and concepts?
Join Nicola Witcombe, the editor of…
The Nordic Model is referred to in a range of different contexts, but what is it? And why is it so often discussed around the world?
The publication…