Event 'Looking towards Norden - Once Again'
Recent research on Norden within the humanities and social sciences sheds light on the state of the world today!

TIME: Thursday 22 August 2024 at 3.30-5.30 pm.
LOCATION: Copenhagen Business School - Room 48, Ground Floor, Kilen, Kilevej 14 (Metro: Fasanvej & Frederiksberg).
ORGANIZERS: Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World (ReNEW) and nordics.info.
An increasingly insecure and polarised Europe is causing more and more people in Norden to turn their gaze towards their Nordic neighbours. This is of course not for the first time, and comes on the back of a wealth of cooperation on multiple levels. How have the Nordic countries dealt with external challenges? How has Nordic cooperation fared over the years since its beginnings in the 1800s? And, how is Norden perceived around the world?
Researchers from the cross-Nordic university hub Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World answer these questions, and their short presentations are followed by drinks and networking. The event will be held in the Scandinavian languages.
Hear about the following subjects, based on five different publications:
Cooperation and confrontation in Nordic Civil Society since 1800
Ruth Hemstad, The National Library of Norway and the University of Oslo
Associative Governance: A Nordic Way?
Haldor Byrkjeflot, The University of Oslo
Grand Challenges in a Global Context
Caroline de la Porte, Copenhagen Business School
Does the Nordic Model exist?
Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School
Norden as an argument
Johan Strang, The University of Helsinki
Moderator: Peter Stadius, Research Director, Center for Nordic Studies, The University of Helsinki.
The event is free, but please register due to capacity and refreshments:
► REGISTER FOR EVENT (event completed)

'Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World: An Excellence Hub in Research, Education and Public Outreach (ReNEW)' is supported by NordForsk. Four out of the five presentations are based on publications from the Routledge book series 'Nordic Studies in a Global Context'.
If you have any questions about registration or otherwise, please contact Nicola Witcombe on nwitcombe@cas.au.dk.