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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'media'.
How to understand the internationalisation and digitalisation of children’s TV and film in a Nordic context
Since the Second World War, the Nordic media have clung on to images of hardy Northern skiiers despite challenges from other countries.
Respresentations of cross-country skiing since the 1800s reveal that the sport has been an important cultural marker for Nordicness.
Approaches to this supposedly apolitical, European cultural event can shed light on alliances and deep-seated conflicts the world over.
Watch a film about the significance of winter sports for Nordic identity, and how narratives about the Winter Olympics have reflected and constructed…
The concept of ‘narrative’ (as opposed to ‘reality’) is prevalent in the press, particularly with respect to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The…
Digitalisation can challenge fundamental principles of the rule of law, with a focus on Denmark.
Vikings in popular culture shed light on contemporary society.
A comparison between the Nordic countries’ and the USA’s approach to the TV programme Sesame Street from 1960-1990.
An international current affairs publication in Iceland (Minnisverð tíðindi or Noteworthy News) ran for eight years at the turn of the nineteenth…
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