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On this page, you will find all content related to the labour markets in the Nordic countries.
Neurodivergent activists and researchers fight for new perspectives on diagnoses such as autism, ADHD and Tourettes, with examples from Sweden.
Use-it-or-loose-it leave scheme for fathers was introduced in 2000 and has shaped parenting and policy ever since.
The impact of making workplaces greener and more digitalized will be unequal and affect social cohesion.
How key infrastructure can mitigate gender segregation in the labor market.
Participation Income is an innovative model of social security which aims to tackle not only social problems but also the climate emergency.
Most food delivery riders fall outside the scope of the ‘Danish model’, its comprehensive system of social welfare and the industrial relations model…
Danish nurses still receive 10-20% less in pay than male-dominated professions requiring a similar level of education. There are many contributing…
Listen to a podcast on Denmark's collective mindset within education from an historical perspective.
The Nordic countries have seen a number of important changes to their populations since the end of World War II. Perhaps most notable among these are…
In 1973, the Social Democrat government introduced an immediate stop to labour immigration because of growing unemployment. Immigration was, however,…
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