The Baltic Sea Region and Estonian Landscapes
Listen to a podcast about the landscapes of Estonia and how phases in history have left their mark.

Estonia's landscapes reveal the chequered history of the country as well as the Baltic Sea Region as a whole. Historically, Estonia has been dominated by other peoples and countries – including the Denmark and Sweden – and each layer can be traced in the landscape. For example, old German manors dating back to the 19th century and sparsely populated Soviet training areas, that are increasingly becoming of interest given the current geopolitical climate and Estonia's powerful neighbour to the east.
Hannes Palang from Tallinn University talks to editor of, Nicola Witcombe, and explains his research on landscapes and how it reveals the fascinating history of Estonia.
This podcast was recorded in July 2024 as part of the Young People Network for Balticness summer school.
Further reading:
- Hannes Palang, Anita Zariņa, and Anu Printsmann, 'Making sense of breaks in landscape change.' Landscape Ecology, 38, (2023) pp. 4079−4091.
- Hannes Palang and Annemarie Rammo, (2021). 'Roadside Picnic? Overcoming the Military Past.' In: Maunu Häyrynen, Jouni Häkli, Jarkko Saarinen, eds., Landscapes of Affect and Emotion. (Brill, 2021) pp. 73−100.
- Hannes Palang, Understanding Ruptured Landscapes. In: Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Jonathan Miles-Watson, Hugo Reinert, eds., Ruptured Landscapes: Landscape and identity in times of social change. Landscape Series; 19. (Netherlands: Springer; 2015) pp. 167−170.
- Raili Nugin and Hannes Paland, 'Borderscapes in landscape: Identity meets ideology', Theory & Psychology, 31,5 (2021) pp. 780-796.