The Arts

Here you will find all the content related to the category 'the arts'.

Beyond Nordic Noir: The reception of contemporary Norwegian literature in Spain

A waist-up picture of Karl Ove Knausgård. He is wearing a white shirt and has grey hair and a grey beard. In one hand he is holding a book with the title "My Struggle" and in the other hand he has a microphone lifted to his mouth.
- Irene Pérez Puyol

Spanish readers are attracted to contemporary Norwegian literature by the blurred boundaries between fact and fiction, the unadorned prose, and the…

Elias Lönnrot, 1802-1884

A picture of a lithography of Elias Lönnrot from the waist up. The lithography is clearly old and depicts a man with a serious face yet a slight smile. His hair reaches just below his ears and is slightly curly. He is wearing an old-style suit.
- Emma Healey

Elias Lönnrot was a philologist and a collector of Finnic-Karelian traditional poetry, which he compiled in order to create the Kalevala.

Cultural perceptions of Denmark in Spain

- Mercedes de Luis Andrés

How the Nordics and Denmark are perceived in Spain is influenced by the existing connections between the countries, including Viking history, joint…

Greenland: Uncovering Art History with Nivi Christensen

- Nivi Christensen

Listen to an interview with Director of Nuuk Art Museum Nivi Christensen and learn about two key Greenlandic artists and how they have informed her…

Jan Troell b. 1931

Photo of Jan Troell
- Lars Gustaf Andersson

Jan Troell is a Swedish film director and cinematographer who also made a number of internationally successful films, such as 'The Flight of an Eagle'…

Arne Sucksdorff 1917- 2001

Black and white photo of Arne Sucksdorff.
- Lars Gustaf Andersson

The Swedish documentary filmmaker Arne Sucksdorff was born in Stockholm in 1917. Sucksdorff is the most important documentarist in Swedish film, and…

THEME: Imagining Norden - branding and Nordic reputation