
Here you will find all the content related to the category 'business'.

Vikings and Capitalism?

- Richard Cole

Watch a 10-minute film on why modern business people like to compare themselves to their vision of the Vikings.

Norway: Uncovering Gender and Branding in the Nordics with Eirinn Larsen

Female in thick jumper portrait
- Eirinn Larsen

Listen to a podcast on how gender is used as a tool in branding the Nordics.

"I’ve come to buy Tivoli”: Colonial desires and anxieties in Iceland in a new millennium

A shot of a man's legs walking in an airport with a briefcase.
- Kristín Loftsdóttir

The economic boom in Iceland in the early 2000s reflected how colonial memory can linger on and become mobilized. During this period, Iceland became…

Podcast: The Vikings and Capitalism

Dark hillside with men in Viking costume with torches
- Richard Cole

In this podcast, medieval historian from Aarhus University Richard Cole explores why the Viking era is ‘up for grabs’, and zooms in on why and how…

Addressing climate change the Nordic way: Motives of Swedish companies for taking action

The use of renewable energy have been rising in recent years, especially wind and water power is common. The picture shows windmills in Lapland Sweden.
- Cornelia Fast

It is Sweden’s goal to become one of the world’s first fossil fuel free welfare states, and many Swedish companies are voluntarily working to reduce…

Nordic workers vulnerable due to automation: an introduction

Car manufacturing in a Valmet Automotive body shop in Finland.
- Zhen Im

Widespread economic transformations, such as increasing automation, tend to negatively affect some groups more than others in the Nordic countries, as…

Trade union-administered unemployment benefit and precarious workers in Finland

Delivery young man with a pizza box on his back and a mobile phone in his hand
- Petri Böckerman

The Nordic countries have some of the highest trade union rates of membership in the world. This has by some been attributed to unemployment insurance…

Studio-Based Learning in the Nordics

Young man working on desk with lots of pens and paper around him taken from above.
- Sille Julie J. Abildgaard

Studio-Based Learning (SBL) is an educational tradition with a student-centered approach. The practice originates in Northern Europe, where Nordic…