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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'culture'.
Watch a film about the historical development of Copenhagen as a cycling city.
Since the Second World War, the Nordic media have clung on to images of hardy Northern skiiers despite challenges from other countries.
Respresentations of cross-country skiing since the 1800s reveal that the sport has been an important cultural marker for Nordicness.
Human rights violations require meaningful responses, but whether "sorry" is significant depends on the context
New ways of using photography in and outside research can help decolonisation in Svalbard and beyond.
Approaches to this supposedly apolitical, European cultural event can shed light on alliances and deep-seated conflicts the world over.
The efforts of pioneering women writers gained momentum during this well known literary movement.
Faroese literature has almost two hundred years behind it, and despite a limited number of inhabitants, authors and publications, a multitude of…
The promise of political renewal that followed the country’s currency and economy collapsing has stalled in political quagmire.
Listen to a podcast about when and why states in and around the Baltic Sea have worked together for economic, social or geopolitical reasons, with a…
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