Research-based articles and material to do with mulitculturalism.

Here you will find all the content related to the category 'multiculturalism'.

Beyond Nordic Noir: The reception of contemporary Norwegian literature in Spain

A waist-up picture of Karl Ove Knausgård. He is wearing a white shirt and has grey hair and a grey beard. In one hand he is holding a book with the title "My Struggle" and in the other hand he has a microphone lifted to his mouth.
- Irene Pérez Puyol

Spanish readers are attracted to contemporary Norwegian literature by the blurred boundaries between fact and fiction, the unadorned prose, and the…

Sports clubs in Sweden: A tool for integration?

- Tony Mickelsson Blomqvist

The Swedish sports movement has gained a strong political presence in recent years, notably to do with migrants’ integration. Sport has been touted as…

Workplace challenges in a shifting world

A stressed woman sitting by her desk
- Carolin Schütze

Working with migrants can challenge the usual expectations and routines of the workforce in welfare institutions. Bureaucrats respond differently…

Podcast: Migrant Children in the Nordics: A Conversation on Schooling

Primary school children of different ethnicities sitting in a classroom beside each other. Smiling, looking at the board.
- Mette Buchardt

Film: Nordic postcolonialism

Woman standing and talking in front of a map of Europe.
- Film

What does postcolonialism refer to when talking about the Nordics? The arts may be the foremost field where we can learn about Nordic postcolonialism…

The German Minority in Southern Denmark

Linguistically hybrid logo for a German sports club in Aabenraa, Denmark.
- Peter Thaler

The historical duchy of Schleswig was divided following two plebiscites in 1920. Ever since, South Schleswig has formed the northern section of the…

Islam in Denmark – an historical overview

The cover of the Quran with thick fonts filling the whole page
- Jørgen Bæk Simonsen

Despite the public debate since 1980s presenting Islam in Denmark as a new phenomenon, it has for centuries played a central role as ‘the other’ when…

THEME: Multiculturalism and globalisation