Research-based articles and material to do with mulitculturalism.

Here you will find all the content related to the category 'multiculturalism'.

Urban vernacular in Sweden

Housing block with red bricks.
- Dorota Lubińska

Rinkebysvenska or Rinkeby Swedish is a contemporary urban vernacular (CUV) which has developed in multi-ethnic urban areas of Sweden including a…

Intercultural encounters in the Danish church in 2010s

A door to a church
- Laura Bjørg Serup Petersen

The church as a social caretaker became less common throughout the 20th century as the Nordic welfare state increasingly took over this task. Churches…

Political approaches to immigration in Scandinavia since 1995

Muslim woman walking over road
- Kristina Bækker Simonsen

Immigration has been described as one of the policy areas where Denmark, Norway and Sweden have differed most since 1995. In 2018, Denmark was amongst…

Sami language

- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

A member of the Finno-Ugric language group and thus related to Finnish, Sami consists of three branches, sufficiently different from each other to be…

Multiculturalism in the Nordic countries

- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

The term multiculturalism is treacherously ambiguous. Sometimes it refers to the mere fact of cultural diversity, but usually it means a degree of…

Minority languages in the Nordics

- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

Linguistic minorities have existed for centuries, such as the Finns and Sami in Sweden. Since 1960s minority languages have often been associated with…

Ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries

- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

A minority is a clearly distinguishable group or category of people who comprise less than half of a national population. Minorities in the Nordic…

Anti-racism in the Nordic countries

- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

Nordic governments have been known for their anti-racist policies abroad, but immigration since 1960s has led to debates on issues such as…

Compulsory childcare in socially marginalised areas in Denmark

Black and white photo of several women holding a banner reading "vores hjem" (our home). The photo is from a demonstration against the so called 'ghetto list', Copenhagen September 2018.
- Nicola Witcombe

In Denmark, according to a law passed in December 2018, parents who live in certain designated areas (dubbed 'ghettos') have to send their children…

THEME: Multiculturalism and globalisation