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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'education'.
In principle, all levels of the male-dominated professions in the Nordic countries are accessible to men and women alike. But, informal processes of…
In 1962 Sweden was said to be the country with the most extensive correspondence education enrolment per capita in the world. This was explained with…
Schools and TV programmes are important in shaping children and communities. In the Nordic countries, schools and broadcasters are frequently tasked…
Studio-Based Learning (SBL) is an educational tradition with a student-centered approach. The practice originates in Northern Europe, where Nordic…
A number of peace research institutes emerged in the Nordics from around 1960. They were initially seen as politically radical and interdisciplinary…
The Norwegian scientist Thor Heyerdahl was internationally renowned for leading expeditions across vast oceans in rudimentary vessels.
The scientific study of language form and meaning, including the specialised branch of runology, has been a prominent academic pursuit in the Nordics…
Folk high schools are institutions which provide general and vocational education for young people and adults. Based on the philosophy of Danish…
National museums in the Nordics retain an important role in the creation and maintenance of a particular view of a country, its people and often its…
Courses ranging from evening classes and short, focussed courses to full-time university programmes reflect a broad interest in studying creative…
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