Region building

Here you will find all the content related to the category 'region building'.

The Three Kings Meeting in 1914

A photo card with the words 'Kungamötet i Malmö 18 Dec 1914' which means The Kings' meeting. There are three portraits next to each other of each the Kings along with their names. At the bottom, you can see the building in which they met.
- Alexandre Kubala

After World War I had been raging for six months and the pressure to choose a side was mounting, the kings of Denmark, Norway and Sweden met to find a…

Podcast: History of Iceland

The website is based at Aarhus University and is a part of the University Hub Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World (ReNEW).
- Podcast

Listen to an overview of the history of Iceland in either English or Danish! / Lyt til en podcast om Islands historie på engelsk eller dansk!

Nordic Disability Rights

Black and white photo of demonstrators.
- Anna Derksen

Following the social and economic transformations after World War II and the ambitious promises of the Nordic welfare model, Nordic disability rights…


A line of Nordic flags, starting with the flag of the Nordic Council (blue with a white bird).
- Peter Stadius

Nordism refers to the act of promoting Nordic cooperation as well as supporting a common Nordic identity. First appearing in the 1920s, it does not…

Uncovering the Legacies of Nordic Colonialism with Lill-Ann Körber

Portrait colour photo of female academic
- Lill-Ann Körber

Listen to a podcast which takes contemporary, cultural case studies and traces them back in history to uncover important narratives that often go…

The power of Nordic culture to transform Nordic history

A house by the water, there are green northern lights in the sky
- Peter Aronsson

The real or imagined cultural history of the Nordic countries (taken individually, in small groups or in their entirety) is a useful tool not to be…

Film: The Nordic Model: A Complex Concept

Man standing and speaking in front of a map of Europe.
- Byron Zachary Rom-Jensen

The Nordic Model’ is a concept that appears frequently in scholarship, media reports, and public debates to refer to the socio-political organization…

Podcast: The Nordics and Identity

Stock photo of Helsingør, Denmark
- Anders Ravn Sørensen

From the outside, it is assumed that the populations of the Nordic countries are fairly homogeneous and that there is a relatively high level of…

Podcast: The Danish decolonisation of Greenland, 1945-54

- Simon Mølholm Olesen

Listen to an account of the Danish decolonisation of Greenland in either English or Danish! This podcast is part of a series where existing material…

An overview of Denmark and its integration with Europe, 1940s to the Maastricht Treaty in 1993

Election poster from 1992 in connection to the ratification of the Maastricht treaty.
- Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha

Denmark has been a cautious participant of European supranational integration since the Second World War, evaluating the pros and cons of integration,…

Nordic cooperation and region building