Here you will find all the content related to the category 'region building'.
The Three Kings Meeting in 1914
- Alexandre Kubala
After World War I had been raging for six months and the pressure to choose a side was mounting, the kings of Denmark, Norway and Sweden met to find a…
Podcast: History of Iceland
- Podcast
Listen to an overview of the history of Iceland in either English or Danish! / Lyt til en podcast om Islands historie på engelsk eller dansk!
Nordic Disability Rights
- Anna Derksen
Following the social and economic transformations after World War II and the ambitious promises of the Nordic welfare model, Nordic disability rights…
- Peter Stadius
Nordism refers to the act of promoting Nordic cooperation as well as supporting a common Nordic identity. First appearing in the 1920s, it does not…
Uncovering the Legacies of Nordic Colonialism with Lill-Ann Körber
- Lill-Ann Körber
Listen to a podcast which takes contemporary, cultural case studies and traces them back in history to uncover important narratives that often go…
The power of Nordic culture to transform Nordic history
- Peter Aronsson
The real or imagined cultural history of the Nordic countries (taken individually, in small groups or in their entirety) is a useful tool not to be…
Film: The Nordic Model: A Complex Concept
- Byron Zachary Rom-Jensen
The Nordic Model’ is a concept that appears frequently in scholarship, media reports, and public debates to refer to the socio-political organization…
Podcast: The Nordics and Identity
- Anders Ravn Sørensen
From the outside, it is assumed that the populations of the Nordic countries are fairly homogeneous and that there is a relatively high level of…
Podcast: The Danish decolonisation of Greenland, 1945-54
- Simon Mølholm Olesen
Listen to an account of the Danish decolonisation of Greenland in either English or Danish! This podcast is part of a series where existing material…
An overview of Denmark and its integration with Europe, 1940s to the Maastricht Treaty in 1993
- Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha
Denmark has been a cautious participant of European supranational integration since the Second World War, evaluating the pros and cons of integration,…