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Here you can find articles on Nordic society, culture and history that are written by researchers and requested by young people from across the Nordic region. More will be added in the coming months — follow us on Instagram to keep up to date.
Vikings in popular culture shed light on contemporary society.
There are pros and cons of using data to monitor and predict mental health problems - in the Nordics as well as elsewhere.
Responses to the pandemic challenge local autonomy.
A comparison between the Nordic countries’ and the USA’s approach to the TV programme Sesame Street from 1960-1990.
Danish political banner and stigma word during the COVID-19 crisis.
Nordic conceptions of democracy are challenged and change over time.
Ethnic and racial studies shed light on race in the Nordics, with a focus on Sweden.
An overview of right-wing parties and political polarisation in the Nordic countries in the twenty-first century.
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