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Here you can find articles on Nordic society, culture and history that are written by researchers and requested by young people from across the Nordic region. More will be added in the coming months — follow us on Instagram to keep up to date.
Shame and climate change with a focus on Sweden.
Listen to three podcasts about gender equality in the Nordics and some suggestions for improvement - two in English and one in Norwegian.
The history of Åland’s legal status reflects key security issues in the area of the Baltic Sea for the last 100 years or more
Professional childcare influences upbringing at home, with a focus on Denmark.
Listen to two podcasts about the history and practicalities of urban planning and why young people should be involved.
Digitalisation can challenge fundamental principles of the rule of law, with a focus on Denmark.
Listen to two podcasts about the history and identity of the Baltic Sea Region and what has changed since the invasion of Ukraine.
An overview of perspectives on the epic poem.
Contemporary approaches to heritage in the autonomous regions shed light on old and new traditions.
Research on schools can shed light on the experiences of racially minoritized children, with a focus on Denmark.
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