
Here you will find all the content related to the category 'media'.

Norway: Uncovering Nordic Childhood in an Online World with Elisabeth Staksrud

Colour head shot of female academic Elisabeth Staksrud.
- Elisabeth Staksrud

Listen to a podcast on the attitude to online risk of caregivers, teachers and children in the Nordics.

Uses of Nordic history

A fountain pen and a notebook saying "What Happened?"
- Niels Kayser Nielsen

The 'use of history' is the term used to denote a combination of selecting, emphasising and overlooking people, events and epochs taken from history.…

Global Audiences of Danish TV Drama

Black and white photo of two female academics sitting on a sofa discussing.
- Pia Majbritt Jensen

Why does Danish TV drama travel around the world? Pia Majbritt Jensen and Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen from Aarhus University discuss the reasons given by…

Podcast: Gaming the Nordics

A young boy playing on his computer in a dark room.
- Heidi Rautalahti

Film: Danish Regional Film Funds

Woman standing and speaking in front of a map of Europe.
- Pei Sze Chow

Since the late 1990s, the Danish regional film funds have been successful in encouraging the development of audio-visual production and talent outside…

Video games as societal critics of the Nordics: Case studies in Game Nóir

Man playing computer
- Lysiane Lasausse

Just like Nordic Nóir, video games are not only a form of entertainment, they also provide alternative perspectives on their respective countries,…

Too good to be true: How Argentinian audiences read Danish drama series

Picture of the Oresund Bridge at night, the bridge stretches between Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmö.
- Yamila Heram

In Argentina, Danish television drama series such as Borgen, The Killing and The Bridge attract a small and dedicated niche audience that is actively…

How to raise your parents: Scandinavian children’s television in 1970s

Child surrounded with a bunch of autumn leaves
- Helle Strandgaard Jensen

Children’s departments in Scandinavian broadcasting corporations (in Denmark, Norway and Sweden) were clearly influenced by the call for equality and…

Style and meaning in Nordic Noir: Reimagining the welfare states

ReNEW logo
- Jaakko Seppälä

This presentation is from a transdisciplinary research workshop entitled Nordic Noir, Geopolitics and the North held at Aarhus University in October…

Internet in the Nordic countries

A person using a laptop
- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

The internet facilitates social relations and participation in society in the Nordics which is a thinly populated region excepting Denmark. State…