
Here you will find all the content related to the category 'globalisation'.

Film: Nordic postcolonialism

Woman standing and talking in front of a map of Europe.
- Film

What does postcolonialism refer to when talking about the Nordics? The arts may be the foremost field where we can learn about Nordic postcolonialism…

Podcast: The Nordics and Identity

Stock photo of Helsingør, Denmark
- Anders Ravn Sørensen

From the outside, it is assumed that the populations of the Nordic countries are fairly homogeneous and that there is a relatively high level of…

Greta Thunberg – a climate activist

Greta Thunberg holding her original sign saying 'Skolstrejk för klimatet' [School strike for the climate].
- Biography

The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg (born 2003) is in many ways a unique phenomenon and an inspiration to many activists all over the world,…

The 1878 Fireburn uprising in the Danish West Indies

an old map of the danish colonies
- Nicola Witcombe

Even after the abolition of slavery in 1848, conditions for workers in the plantations of the Danish West Indies did not materially improve. This…

Denmark’s relationship with Europe since 2000

Blue map of Denmark with the european union stars superimposed over it
- Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha

Denmark has been characterised by a ‘soft’ type of Euroscepticism. There are multiple institutional safeguards in Denmark to allow for selective…

Norway, the West and the Soviet Union, 1944-48

Picture of a globe with Norway highlighted and two arrows going east and west
- Helge Ø. Pharo

The term ’bridge-building’ is often used to describe Norwegian foreign policy from the tail end of the Second World War until Norway's turn to the…

Disability, development and the Nordics, 1960s-2000

Picture of a girl looking out at you on the front cover of a magazine of the Swedish umbrella disability organisation from 1991
- Anna Derksen

Nordic disability organizations have been carrying out development projects in the Global South since the 1960s. Initially a preventive and…

An overview of Danish international development aid, 1960-2010

The logo of the Danida - Danish International Development Assistance
- Peter Yding Brunbech

Denmark has historically been amongst the largest donors of development aid in proportion with its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Since the middle of…

The India Foundation: The beginning of Norwegian aid

Map showing the Kerala state in South East India. The map is black and white.
- Helge Ø. Pharo

The Foundation for Assistance for Underdeveloped Areas, or India Foundation as it was known, marked the beginning of Norwegian international…

Internet in the Nordic countries

A person using a laptop
- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

The internet facilitates social relations and participation in society in the Nordics which is a thinly populated region excepting Denmark. State…