Labour markets

On this page, you will find all content related to the labour markets in the Nordic countries.

It's relational: Racial attitudes in Swedish welfare institutions

Vector image, many different types of working-type icons in blue connected to one another via lines
- Carolin Schütze

Racial bias of staff at welfare institutions can result in negative outcomes for minority clients. Staff are not only professionals, but also…

Emigration in the Nordics: an overview since 1800s

Old water colour painting of people in a harbour area with ships in the background
- Byron J. Nordstrom

Emigration has been a part of population mobility in the Nordic region for centuries. The numbers were generally very small until the mid-nineteenth…

Employer federations in the Nordics

A construction site with a worker
- Byron J. Nordstrom

Along with their trade union counterparts, employer federations have been key players in the negotiation of nationwide agreements on wages and working…

Gender segregation in the Nordic labour market

Kindergarten wardrobe, lots of coloured jackets hanging
- Astrid Elkjær Sørensen

Since the 1960s the Nordic countries have been renowned for their high level of gender equality as they have amongst the world’s highest employment…

Labour movement in the Nordic countries

red and white coloured logo of a labour movement
- David Redvaldsen

The 'labour movement' refers to the network of political, industrial, voluntary, educational and recreational organisations with a socialist or labour…

Trade unions in the Nordic countries

A graph by the Swedish LO showing the percentage of unionisation by work type and gender. Divided up in Blue-collar workers, White-collar workers and All. The two are almost identical, however the Blue-collar workers have a but more unions.
- John Logue

Trade unions play a more important role in Nordic politics and economics than they do in most other countries. This is largely a result of their…

Solidaristic wage policy

a stack of gold coins on top of each other
- John Logue

Solidaristic wage policy refers to the practice, noticeably carried out in Sweden during the 1950s, of limiting wages in the most profitable sectors…

Labour markets in the Nordics

Poster with pink backrgound and black cat saying, 'everybody ends up with the losing card' (in Danish).
- John Logue

National labour markets in the Nordic countries reflect trade union and Social Democratic principles of full employment and solidarity, while…