Content on Greenland

Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers

A high, oldfashioned tower bullding with a pointy top.
- Jenny Rood

Organisations exist to facilitate the discussion and coordination of policies in areas of joint interest to the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council…

Hydroelectricity in the Nordic countries

A hydropower plant. Lake with lots of water and with walls around it
- Jenny Rood

Hydroelectricity is a significant source of energy particularly in Norway and Iceland. While Greenland has invested in hydroelectricity since 1990,…

The Nordic region

Map of the nordic region
- Mary Hilson

The Nordic region, or Norden, may be defined as consisting of the five sovereign states Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, plus the three…

Official bodies overseeing the Nordic languages

A screenshot of a section on a website. There are 6 links to click on: Terms of the month, Approved words, Katersal (Dictionary), News, Authorized place names, Download
- Michael P. Barnes

There has been much more official involvement with the Nordic languages than with English. That is true even of the well-established Danish, Icelandic…

Linguistic variety in the Nordics

Black and white photo of a part of a bench with carved letters in it.
- Michael P. Barnes

Quick overview:

  • In Denmark the principal language is Danish, with about 5,750,000 speakers (in 2018), but varieties of German are spoken in…

Parliamentary culture in the Nordic countries

A big white house during the Winter time
- Norbert Götz

The Nordic countries have a particular parliamentary culture characterised by consensus and working across party lines. Their parliaments remain…

Arctic Council

The logo of the Arctic Council together with a representation of its member states. the logo is a white fox with the globe beside it.
- Ann Legreid

The Arctic Council was established in 1996 by the Ottawa Declaration with the intent of fostering “cooperation, coordination, and interaction between…

Ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries

- Thomas Hylland Eriksen

A minority is a clearly distinguishable group or category of people who comprise less than half of a national population. Minorities in the Nordic…