National museums in the Nordics retain an important role in the creation and maintenance of a particular view of a country, its people and often its…
Healthcare in the Nordics
- Eric S. Einhorn
The entire resident population of the Nordic region is covered by publicly financed comprehensive healthcare systems. These guarantee access to high…
Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers
- Jenny Rood
Organisations exist to facilitate the discussion and coordination of policies in areas of joint interest to the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council…
Nobel Prizes
- Jenny Rood
The idea and funds for the Nobel prizes originated in the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel who died in 1901. Recipients can be both…
Hydroelectricity in the Nordic countries
- Jenny Rood
Hydroelectricity is a significant source of energy particularly in Norway and Iceland. While Greenland has invested in hydroelectricity since 1990,…
Overview of taxation in the Nordics
- Eric S. Einhorn
Tax policy is a core instrument of public policy in the Nordic countries. Whilst popular media often criticise the high taxes in Nordic countries, the…
The Nordic region
- Mary Hilson
The Nordic region, or Norden, may be defined as consisting of the five sovereign states Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, plus the three…
Gender segregation in the Nordic labour market
- Astrid Elkjær Sørensen
Since the 1960s the Nordic countries have been renowned for their high level of gender equality as they have amongst the world’s highest employment…
United Nations and the Nordic countries
- Norbert Götz
The principles and aims of the United Nations resonate in the Nordic countries, which are small welfare states with an appreciation of international…
Internationalism and the Nordic countries
- Norbert Götz
The internationalism of the Nordic countries is characterised by a general commitment to international institutions and law, agenda-setting and…