
Here you will find all the content related to the category 'reputation'.

Vanishing Scandinavian "socialism" in the 2020 US election

The front of the New York Times with Biden with a face mask on.
- Byron Zachary Rom-Jensen

Scandinavian “socialism” has been oddly absent from the final stages of the recent US election. It is possible to trace the arguments for and against…

Christian II's legacy in Sweden and Denmark

Painting of Christian II
- Martin Alm

Christian II (1481-1559) ruled Denmark and Norway from 1513 to 1523 as well as Sweden for some of that time, from 1520 to 1521. In Sweden he has been…

Folklore in the Nordic countries

Pencil sketch of a human-looking creature with a large beard and distinctive features
- Frog

Folklore is a phenomenon found in all cultures. Falling under the umbrella of what is now called ‘intangible cultural heritage’ by UNESCO, it…

An introduction to Nordic arms exports since 1990, with a focus on Finland

Barbed wire and the silhouette of men with guns in military clothes
- Tuuli Veikkanen

All Nordic countries, excluding Iceland, have exported weapons to countries involved in armed conflicts or violating human rights during the post-Cold…

‘Socialist’ suicide in Scandinavia: a historical view of a common myth

1960s woman looking into camera while waiting for bus to go to work
- Byron Zachary Rom-Jensen

High rates of suicide are often connected with the Nordic countries and their apparently ‘socialist’ policies. Highlighting high suicide rates in…

The Nordics in the modern Japanese political imagination

A crowd of people walking the streets of Tokyo in Japan.
- Kenn Nakata Steffensen

In the early 1900s, Japanese progressive intellectuals, writers, and feminist activists questioned their country’s quest for power and looked to…

Transnational interaction among feminist activists in the Nordic Countries, 1970s-2000

Poster of women of different colours' arms up in the air with clenched fists
- Hannah Yoken

The Nordic countries are globally renowned as states that embrace gender equality. However, the region also has a rich history of feminist activism at…

Arctic region

A seedvault hidden in the snow at night
- Ann Legreid

The Arctic is a circumpolar region centered on the North Pole, home to diverse human populations, landscapes, vegetation, and wildlife. The climate is…

Nobel Peace Prize

Close-up on a silver coin
- Kyle Frackman

The Nobel Peace Prize can be seen as a symbol of both the regular cooperation between among Nordic countries and an expression of their neutrality.…

Nobel Prizes

Drawing of Bjørnestjerne Bjørnson receiving a Nobel prize. In the background, there are people.
- Jenny Rood

The idea and funds for the Nobel prizes originated in the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel who died in 1901. Recipients can be both…