Here you will find all the content related to the category 'literature'.
Drama in Sweden
- Helena Forsås-Scott
This is the third Quick Read on drama in the Nordics and this time it focuses on Sweden.
Drama in Iceland, 1900-2000
- Helena Forsås-Scott
This is the second Quick Read on drama and it focuses on Iceland.
Drama in Finland
- Helena Forsås-Scott
Theatre is a dynamic medium in the Nordic countries, and the many plays written and produced, especially since the 1960s, have been characterised by…
Literary criticism in the Nordics, postwar to today
- Helena Forsås-Scott
Literary work and issues pertaining to it were rooted in the historical-biographical tradition following the Second World War in the Nordics. Danish…
Feminist writing in the Nordics, 1970s-2000
- Helena Forsås-Scott
Feminist writing in 1970s, particularly prose fiction, was inspired by second-wave feminism and by the mid-1980s, feminist writing had become a…
Podcast: The Scandinavian Modern Breakthrough
- Janet Garton
Listen to a podcast on the social, political and literary movement from around 1870 to 1900 in Scandinavia called the Modern Breakthrough.
Iceland: Uncovering the past in Nordic Literature with Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir
- Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir
Listen to a podcast on themes in Icelandic and Nordic literature on rewriting the past.
Sally Salminen and her work
- Paul Larkin
In 1936 the Finland-Swedish writer Sally Salminen won a literary prize for her first novel 'Katrina' which saw her life change. That someone like her,…
Kommer Far hjem til Jul? Af Sally Salminen
- Sally Salminen
I 1944 udgav den berømte finsk-svenske romanforfatter Sally Salminen ’Kommer far hjem til jul?’ som en novelle i magasinet Juleroser.…
Is Daddy coming home for Christmas? By Sally Salminen
- Paul Larkin
In 1944, 'Juleroser' ('Christmas Roses') magazine published the renowned Finland-Swedish novelist Sally Salminen's short story 'Kommer…