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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'literature'.
This is the third Quick Read on drama in the Nordics and this time it focuses on Sweden.
This is the second Quick Read on drama and it focuses on Iceland.
Theatre is a dynamic medium in the Nordic countries, and the many plays written and produced, especially since the 1960s, have been characterised by…
Literary work and issues pertaining to it were rooted in the historical-biographical tradition following the Second World War in the Nordics. Danish…
Feminist writing in 1970s, particularly prose fiction, was inspired by second-wave feminism and by the mid-1980s, feminist writing had become a…
Listen to a podcast on the social, political and literary movement from around 1870 to 1900 in Scandinavia called the Modern Breakthrough.
Listen to a podcast on themes in Icelandic and Nordic literature on rewriting the past.
In 1936 the Finland-Swedish writer Sally Salminen won a literary prize for her first novel 'Katrina' which saw her life change. That someone like her,…
I 1944 udgav den berømte finsk-svenske romanforfatter Sally Salminen ’Kommer far hjem til jul?’ som en novelle i magasinet Juleroser.…
In 1944, 'Juleroser' ('Christmas Roses') magazine published the renowned Finland-Swedish novelist Sally Salminen's short story 'Kommer…
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