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This is a list of all the materials published by academics at Aarhus University in the order they were published, starting with the most recent first.
The Nordic region, or Norden, may be defined as consisting of the five sovereign states Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, plus the three…
Since the 1960s the Nordic countries have been renowned for their high level of gender equality as they have amongst the world’s highest employment…
The Nordic experience is characterised by an upward spiral of development resulting from a close interconnection between a strong civil society and a…
Corporatism is about the influence of organisations and interest groups on policy making. The Nordic countries are societies with strong interest…
Immigration has been described as one of the policy areas where Denmark, Norway and Sweden have differed most since 1995. In 2018, Denmark was amongst…
In Denmark, according to a law passed in December 2018, parents who live in certain designated areas (dubbed 'ghettos') have to send their children…
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