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This is a list of all the materials published by academics at Södertörn University in the order they were published with the most recent first.
Since the Second World War, the Nordic media have clung on to images of hardy Northern skiiers despite challenges from other countries.
Watch a film about the Nordic responses to the famine following the Biafra region in Nigeria claiming independence in 1967.
Watch a film about the significance of winter sports for Nordic identity, and how narratives about the Winter Olympics have reflected and constructed…
Listen to two podcasts in Swedish and Norwegian about the climate, how we talk about it and our different responses to climate change.
Shame and climate change with a focus on Sweden.
Listen to two podcasts about the history and practicalities of urban planning and why young people should be involved.
Vikings in popular culture shed light on contemporary society.
The Swedish sports movement has gained a strong political presence in recent years, notably to do with migrants’ integration. Sport has been touted as…
Listen to a podcast on how some of Sweden’s policymaking successes and failures since the Cold War have been perceived in Sweden itself as well as…
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