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This is a list of all the materials published by academics at Copenhagen Business School in the order they were published with the most recent first.
The impact of making workplaces greener and more digitalized will be unequal and affect social cohesion.
The small Nordic economies are at risk of having all their growth eggs in one basket when a handful of firms account for a hugely disproportionate…
Listen to this podcast on diversity management and how large organisations, like companies and trade unions, can learn from social movements such as…
Most food delivery riders fall outside the scope of the ‘Danish model’, its comprehensive system of social welfare and the industrial relations model…
Working with migrants can challenge the usual expectations and routines of the workforce in welfare institutions. Bureaucrats respond differently…
Maintaining high quality welfare organizations is tough even in the Nordic countries with a myriad of unforeseen challenges to contend with, including…
Listen to a podcast on the difficulty of conceptualising the 'Nordic Model' when there is not just one model and many countries outside the Nordic…
In principle, all levels of the male-dominated professions in the Nordic countries are accessible to men and women alike. But, informal processes of…
From the outside, it is assumed that the populations of the Nordic countries are fairly homogeneous and that there is a relatively high level of…
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