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This is a list of all the materials published by academics at Södertörn University in the order they were published with the most recent first.
Listen to a podcast on the educational systems of the Nordic countries.
Scandinavian “socialism” has been oddly absent from the final stages of the recent US election. It is possible to trace the arguments for and against…
Since the interwar years, foreign observers have regularly portrayed the Nordic countries as well functioning states, successful in solving crises,…
The “Nordic model” is often presented as a solution to the dominance of neoliberalism and the rise of populism. Populist tendencies within the region,…
Folkhem, literally meaning ‘people’s home’, is a Swedish term for what is otherwise designated as the Swedish welfare state or the Swedish model. It…
The principles and aims of the United Nations resonate in the Nordic countries, which are small welfare states with an appreciation of international…
The internationalism of the Nordic countries is characterised by a general commitment to international institutions and law, agenda-setting and…
The Nordic countries have a particular parliamentary culture characterised by consensus and working across party lines. Their parliaments remain…
A tendency towards neutrality during conflicts exists in all the Nordic countries, although Sweden was the only Nordic country that remained (more or…
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