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This is a list of all the materials published by academics at University of Oslo in the order they were published with the most recent first.
Today the environment is a key policy issue of institutionalised Nordic cooperation. Yet it was only in the late 1960s that the environment emerged on…
Listen to a podcast on the attitude to online risk of caregivers, teachers and children in the Nordics.
The Norwegian Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet) was in power when the country was transformed into a wealthy society with modern welfare in the decade…
The vision of a welfare community that provided the people with social security from ‘cradle to grave’ was largely realised in the period between 1945…
The term ’bridge-building’ is often used to describe Norwegian foreign policy from the tail end of the Second World War until Norway's turn to the…
Swedish foreign policy has long been engaged in issues relating to gender. This was cemented in 2014 by the launch of its Feminist Foreign Policy…
The Foundation for Assistance for Underdeveloped Areas, or India Foundation as it was known, marked the beginning of Norwegian international…
In the first decades of the 21st century, some Norwegian commentators have been calling for an increased emphasis on commercial competition in…
Immediately before and after the Nordic Council was founded in 1952, there was much debate over what form cooperation should take amongst the…
National symbols share an ability to fuse diverse people in a shared feeling of identity. They are as diverse as flags to food, scenery to famous…
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