Film: A Norwegian Brooch and Capturing Women's History
Watch a film about a magnificent Iron Age brooch from Dalem in Norway and its significance for uncovering hidden Nordic histories.

In films for the New Nordic Lexicon, students ask researchers to talk about an object, book or place that represents their research.
Unn Pedersen, researcher from the University of Oslo, chooses an Iron Age brooch which represents the importance of oral stories and information being passed down from generation to generation of women - histories that have often gone overlooked.
In this film, she is interviewed by Chu Yang, a student from Aarhus University.
With thanks to the Historical Museum in Norway for access to its exhibition on Fabulous Animals and for supplying footage for this film.
Further reading:
Elna Siv Kristoffersen and Unn Pedersen, Changing perspectives in southwest Norwegian Style I. In Toby F. Martin and Wendy Morrison (eds), Barbaric Splendour: The use of image before and after Rome (Archaeopress, 2020), pp. 47-60.
Elna Siv Kristoffersen & Unn Pedersen, 'Kvalitetshåndverk og elitemiljøer' [Quality craftsmanship and elite environments], Herre og drott - konge og sjøkonge: Karmøyseminaret 2022 (2023), pp. 63-80.
Hege Damlien et al., Steinalderen i Sørøst-Norge: Faglig program for steinalderundersøkelser ved Kulturhistorisk museum [The Stone Age in Southeastern Norway: The Academic Program for Stone Age Research at the Museum of Cultural History] (2021).
Unn Pedersen, 'The power of beauty: The Oseberg ship burial and its finurlighet', Primitive tider special issue (2023), pp. 173-182.
- Gendering the Nordic Past project at the University of Oslo
- The Historical Museum in Oslo