Podcast: The reunification of Denmark, 1920
Listen to a potted history of the reunification of Denmark in 1920 in either English or Danish! This is the first of several podcasts where existing material on nordics.info is read out in assorted languages by colleagues and friends. Great for learning Danish or English. / Lyt til historien om Danmarks genforening i 1920 på engelsk eller dansk! Denne podcast er den første i en serie af podcasts hvor materiale fra nordics.info bliver læst højt på forskellige sprog af venner og kollegaer.

Podcast: The reunification of Denmark, 1920
The reunification of Southern Jutland with Denmark was made possible in 1920 with the German defeat in the First World War. It took place in June 1920 after a process that in fact started with the German admission of defeat in October 1918 and its ensuing request for an armistice. The reunification followed a plebiscite in the concerned areas. In Denmark, questions over reunification ignited heated political debate, as there was a widespread wish that southern parts of Schleswig should be incorporated into Danish territory as well. The article is read out by editor of nordics.info, Nicola Witcombe.
Podcast: Genforening, 1920
Genforeningen af Sønderjylland og Danmark i 1920 blev muliggjort af Tysklands nederlag i 1. verdenskrig. Den fandt sted i juni 1920 efter et forløb, der tog sin begyndelse i oktober 1918, da Tyskland erkendte sit nederlag og bad om våbenhvile. Genforeningen blev konkret gennemført efter en folkeafstemning i de berørte områder. I Danmark gav genforeningsspørgsmålet dog anledning til megen politisk debat, da vide kredse ønskede, at også dele af Sydslesvig skulle indlemmes i Danmark. Artiklen er læst højt af Karoline Corfitz, studentermedhjælper hos nordics.info.
Read the podcasts as articles:
- Website on The Centenary of Denmark’s Reunion with Southern Jutland
- This article was originally published by danmarkshistorien.dk in Danish. Danmarkshistorien.dk has many materials on the reunification of Denmark. Go to their theme page,'Genforening eller Slesvig delt? Grænsedragning og afstemningskamp i Mellemslesvig i 1920'.