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Here you will find all the content related to the category 'culture'.
The concept of the Baltic Sea Region challenges the idea of history as being solely a national narrative. Far from being fixed, contested Baltic…
Sexual understanding in different contexts is an integral part of a person’s formation and education.
For high school students, keeping your options open can mean hard work and added stress - in Denmark as well as elsewhere.
Finding the past by constructing gendered and Nordic identities in the present.
Evocative term found in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, with a focus on politics in Denmark.
Shame and climate change with a focus on Sweden.
Professional childcare influences upbringing at home, with a focus on Denmark.
Spanish readers are attracted to contemporary Norwegian literature by the blurred boundaries between fact and fiction, the unadorned prose, and the…
An overview of perspectives on the epic poem.
Contemporary approaches to heritage in the autonomous regions shed light on old and new traditions.
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