Podcast: Disability in the Nordic Countries since 1945
Listen to a podcast about developments in disability policies and movements in the Nordic countries since 1945 in English or Danish! / Lyt til en podcast der omhandler mennesker med handicap: aktivisme og politiske strømninger i Norden siden 1945 på engelsk eller dansk!

Disability in the Nordic countries since 1945
The situation of people with disabilities in the Nordic countries has changed dramatically since 1945. Following World War II, the Nordic welfare model promised greater rights for disabled people. Disability rights activism reached its peak in the 1970s and early 1980s when protests and awareness campaigns led to a new social and rights-based understanding of disability as well as legal reforms.
The podcast is written by Anna Derksen, and read out and produced by Nicola Witcombe.
Find this podcast on nordics.info's podcast platform @KnowledgeOnTheNordics.
Mennesker med handicap: Politiske Strømninger i Norden siden 1945
Situationen med de handicappede i de nordiske lande har ændret sig kraftigt siden 1945. Efter Anden Verdenskrig lovede den nordiske velfærdsmodel flere rettigheder for handicappede. Bevægelser for handicappedes rettigheder bestående af forældreforeninger, selvhjælpsorganisationer, offentlige og politiske tilhængere nåede sit højdepunkt i 1970'erne og begyndelsen af 1980'erne, hvor protester og bevidsthedskampagner førte til en ny social og rettighedsbaseret forståelse af handicap samt juridiske reformer.
Artiklen er oplæst af Kieu Nguyen.