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The national implementation of the International Labour Organization's 1951 Equal Remuneration Convention led to significant political disagreements…
Finding the past by constructing gendered and Nordic identities in the present.
Evocative term found in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, with a focus on politics in Denmark.
The Nordic Embassies site in Berlin – 'Nordische Botshaften' – allows Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark to work closely together on shared…
Professional childcare influences upbringing at home, with a focus on Denmark.
Spanish readers are attracted to contemporary Norwegian literature by the blurred boundaries between fact and fiction, the unadorned prose, and the…
Digitalisation can challenge fundamental principles of the rule of law, with a focus on Denmark.
Research on schools can shed light on the experiences of racially minoritized children, with a focus on Denmark.
Vikings in popular culture shed light on contemporary society.
There are pros and cons of using data to monitor and predict mental health problems - in the Nordics as well as elsewhere.
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