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The end of a 434-year political union between the kingdoms of Norway and Denmark.
Listen to two podcasts on the socio-political aspects of languages in mainly Sweden and Finland. The discission includes: Finnish speakers in Sweden;…
The national implementation of the International Labour Organization's 1951 Equal Remuneration Convention led to significant political disagreements…
Finding the past by constructing gendered and Nordic identities in the present.
Evocative term found in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, with a focus on politics in Denmark.
The Nordic Embassies site in Berlin – 'Nordische Botshaften' – allows Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark to work closely together on shared…
Shame and climate change with a focus on Sweden.
The history of Åland’s legal status reflects key security issues in the area of the Baltic Sea for the last 100 years or more
Professional childcare influences upbringing at home, with a focus on Denmark.
Digitalisation can challenge fundamental principles of the rule of law, with a focus on Denmark.
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